Posts Tagged With: Treasure Hunt with Compass

March 1 – Finding Your Way | Treasure Hunt

March 1, 2013
Finding Your Way Part 3 | Treasure Hunt

Groups worked together with compass in hand to find way points

Groups worked together with compass in hand to find way points

Today was a perfect day for an outdoor Treasure Hunt. Armed with a compass and  directions to marked way points, students worked in groups to complete 2 missions. At the end of their successful hunt, the reward of a job well-done was a hidden treasure. The students learned how to: measure distance with their feet, use a compass with a bearing and a landmark, find directions, and work together with a common goal. Big day!
Note: This lesson does take set-up ahead of time and works great in an open field. For this activity, the students used compasses from home. I would recommend having a set of alike compasses for students to use that worked properly to eliminate confusion.

We ended our day finalizing our interview questions for Monkey and Sunshine and watched a news clip featuring Swami, a record breaking hiker that has recently finished 12 Long Walks. Coming up next week, we will be learning about “Leave No Trace” principles.

Enjoy a sample of  a student’s online Trail Journal entry:

Ok so today I went outside and figured out how to make a fire on my own with just the outdoor elements and my flint and steel.  You know if you’re ever gonna go start a fire in fireplace or fire pit just get some lint from your laundry machine it works amazingly!!!!!

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